Fuck video games
Read a fucking book you bastard! Watch a beautiful fucking film! There’s loads of incredible stories out there and you’re just pissing about on the fucking computer!

Fuck mechanics
So much time wasted tweaking and optimising to account for twisted assumptions and learned behaviours forged by cash-bloated cultural abscesses. Fuck them! Make your mechanics meaningful and resonant or piss them off.

Fuck wholesome
Wholesome works are hollow and complacent. Find comfort in community, not solitary escapism. Escapism cedes ground to conservatism. Fuck it off.

Fuck lore
Empty fucking calories. Media literacy as rote recall from bullshit encyclopaedias. Face the work and charge into it head on, you fucking coward!

Fuck "good" media

Free yourself from the pathetic fucking burden of being a cop. People you think are bad like the things you think are good. People you think are good like the things you think are bad. Grow the fuck up.

Fuck audiences

You’ve worked hard enough willing this thing into being, now it’s their fucking turn. The onus is on them to meet the work where it's at. Their understanding of the work is not a reflection of your skills.
Updated 6 days ago